Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Raising hope

Fighting and disease are pretty common in the Kivu region of the Congo and he Enough project has a site called Raise Hope for the Congo. On there one thing you realize rather quickly is that this isn't just another war torn backwoods part of the world. This is a conflict that has a direct link to the western world and we even help to cause. This is an issue that is far from over though, and one of the biggest things that can help bring change to the region is to raise awareness to what is fueling the issue.

*Heres a good page that boils down whats going on in the Congo.

The issue isn't just half way around the world though, it hits close to home because all this destruction is stemming from the use of minerals that we want for our fancy gadgets. Here is a good explanation of where the minerals go.

But even better here is stuff that you can do to help take action!

a beautiful explanation of why this is something to not be ignored. Enjoy!

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