Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A reflective summer

Usually this blog is entirely informative because quite plainly if anyone reads this then I usually assume that my personal thoughts and stories are not nearly as important as issues or sites Ive found interesting. But Ive enjoyed reading through blogs and seeing what people are experiencing but also how they are growing so I thought I would follow suite. For most everyone summer is a time for exciting plans: changing the world, making crazy memories, and basically being awesome.

This summer for me is not filled with what is typically considered awesome but it is God filled. Instead of serving as a summer missionary I felt called to do something a bit different. I am working full time at the Mercer Admissions office (gasp! A real desk job?! eww.) Although its not as glamorous or even as exciting as serving in Savannah, it is peppered with Gods graces. It seems every day he is meeting my needs or desires in ways that I was never expecting. And the best part is that I still get to spend time with my high schoolers, both with youth group and young life. 

The one realization that has left me questioning, is why do we see God move as much during the school year? Ive been reading through friends blogs and hearing of all of their adventures, all of which God has a big part of. The most convicting part of this is that we dont seem to notice when he does these things during the school year. It doesnt mean that God is inactive for 10 months out of the year, I just wonder if we (myself especially) have been pausing and celebrating enough of what He was doing during the school year. I fully intend to spend the next two months learning how to be still and appreciate what God is doing in both my life and in the more interesting lives of my friends. We'll see how well someone who doesnt like to sit or be still or even be alone does on that idea, but its worth trying!

On a completely different note, while being a productive and good little worker bee I found this article:
The Other Victims
It gave a really interesting look at the johns in the human trafficking issue, who are usually just deemed as evil and terrible villains. Now I'm not saying that they are wonderful honest people but part of that statement is true, they are people. And so they're worth caring about too.